Thursday 16 October 2014



The festival of lights, Diwali, brings fun, joy and togetherness. Children and youth look eagerly forward for the arrival of the festival. In fact, they begin bursting of crackers and playing with fireworks well before the festival. Diwali marks the triumph of good over evil and dispels darkness. Unfortunately, improper handling and playing with fireworks, mar the celebrations every year.

Every year a number of people across the country, lose their eyesight and sustain burns during the festival. Property is also damaged in mishaps.
Ishwar Tuition Classes has suggested a number of do's and don'ts to prevent loss of eyesight and other mishaps during the ensuing Diwali festival.


  • An adult should always supervise the use of fireworks by children.
  • Check the area before igniting fireworks to ensure that all inflammable and combustible materials are removed.
  • Use a candle or an agarbathi to ignite fireworks. They burn without an open flame and provide a greater and safer distance between your hands and the fireworks.
  • Open flames from matches and lighters can cause additional fire hazards.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or bucket of water nearby to extinguish any incipient fire.
  • Use fireworks only outdoors.
  • Light only one firework at a time.
  • Firecrackers, bombs and flowerpots should not be lighted holding them. It is always safer to light them from the side without bending over them.
  • Hold lighted sparklers away from the body.
  • Flying fireworks - rockets, missiles, etc. - should always be lighted in open grounds pointing straight up.
  • Discard used fireworks in a bucket of water.
  • Wear close-fitting clothes of thick material instead of loose or flowing garments.
  • Store fireworks in a cool and dry place.
  • Consult an ophthalmologist immediately in case of eye injuries.

     ·      Never give fireworks to small children.
·    Never ignite fireworks while holding them. Put them down, then ignite them and walk away.
·       Do not put fireworks in any container to ignite.
·         Never mix anything with the contents of fireworks or make fireworks at home.
·         Never ignite aerial fireworks where overhead obstruction (trees, wires, etc.) may interfere with trajectory into open air space.
·         Never ignite an aerial firework near an opening to a building.
·        Never re-light a firework which has not burnt properly. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
·         Never throw or point fireworks at other people.
·         Never carry fireworks in your pocket.
·         Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers.
·    Ensure that your children don't engage in dangerous pranks such as throwing lighted crackers or sparklers at others, or try to make fireworks themselves.

Say no to fireworks & fumes & celebrate an Eco-friendly Diwali ...

Happy & Safe Diwali..!!!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Success Lessons from Politicians!

                  Success Lessons from Politicians!    

 The title may elicit an exclamation from some of you “what is there to learn” as most of the society seems to be disillusioned form the politicians because of the governance and the corruption issues, but let us stop and think as to what our chosen representatives may be doing right and can we learn something from them.
Here are a few of the typical character traits which we can definitely imbibe:-

1. Persistence and Perseverance
Politicians never give up, no matter how much down the ladder they may appear to be. They have the uncanny ability and knack to resurrect themselves and bounce back.  It is worth analyzing this trait as it is not a small thing to brave all the odds when one is down in life and work/struggle/fight one’s way back to the top again. This needs tremendous faith and courage and a ‘never-say-die-spirit’ If we patiently work towards achieving our goals and persist despite some adverse situations, our chances of success increase manifolds.

2. Focus
Politicians are very much focused and never have any confusion, as far winning the elections and retaining their chairs is concerned. We must also never lose sight of our objectives and goals, which need to be pursued with a single minded devotion. Most of time we lose sight of the ‘forest’ and concentrate on the ‘trees’ alone, which distracts us from the larger picture.

3. Communication ability and Charisma
All the politicians are excellent communicators and tireless orators. They are able to expound on almost all the topics with passion and fervor. This ability to appeal and get across to others is an exceptional talent, which should be appreciated. Everyone can improve one’s communication ability through hard work and practice. Politicians’ Charisma is based on their ability to instantly connect with total strangers. They make everyone feel loved and wanted by maintaining a clear eye contact and firm hand shake and even by hugging total strangers. Normally a person is shy or reticent and cannot get across to others in a short span of time. It needs to be understood that others will get attracted towards us only if they get due attention and feel that we are genuinely interested in issues which concern them.

 4. Ability to face criticism
It is normally said that politicians have a very ‘thick’ skin and never have heart attacks. Actually they are used to divergent views, criticism and even humiliation at times and have to learn to live with all that. Even when attacked from all sides, seasoned politicians do not lose their cool, bide time to let the storm blow over and again set about their task with single minded focus. Being overly sensitive to remarks/comments and criticism of others in not a good trait and one has to learn to rise above that, if one wants to pursue the journey without getting derailed.

5. Hard Work

Politicians can work long hours, travel extensively and attend marathon meetings. All these things they do almost on a regular basis, besides meeting scores of people and listening to them. These are facts and need to be well understood. Traveling in heat and dust, meeting members of the public and attending sessions of the assembly need lot of stamina. The seemingly overweight and ageing politicians have an abundant mental stamina, even if they are not physically fit. The younger ones diligently work on their fitness and stay in top shape. The idea is to understand that there is no substitute to hard work and long hours, no matter what the profession is.

Saturday 13 September 2014

How to make a good Time Table for Study?

How to make a good Time Table for Study?

Time table may be defined as a system of organizing your schedule in a perfect manner to utilize your time efficiently and effectively. For a student time utilization is the most difficult part that every
student is confused about. Anyone can arrange for notes, books and tutors for you, but time manage-
ment is something that you have to manage yourself. Your peers or family may help you with your
 project work or making notes etc. but no one can really help you mange your time. Time management is the most important part of student life and every student wants to manage it well, but not all succeed to do so.

A study timetable is something that helps you to stay on track with your studies and helps you in
balancing your study time well so that you have time for other activities too. When you plan ahead of
your examinations, you know what you need to do and by when you need to do it also you become
aware about how much time you actually need to complete a particular topic. A timetable can also
help you to fit in other activities that are important to you and help you make time for other
important activities of life. Most successful students know how to make a study timetable. If you
want to succeed at getting good grades, then you may want to try this to make a schedule.

Preparing a Time Table :
Preparing a time table is not an easy thing to do. First of all you need to figure out every aspect of
your study topic that you need to cover, time required and also you need to adjust in some important
or mandatory activities into your time table. There are some prior engagements that also you need to
keep in mind while designing your routine. Also do not forget to keep some regular time for
recreational activities and sports, as without this you won’t be able to freshen up your mind. You
cannot just study continuously without taking break, so it is necessary to keep all these things  in
mind before you make a time table. Taking exams can lead to stress and anxiety if you have not
studied during the year because you will find yourself cramming for each test and studying late into
the night which won’t help you much. With a little time management during the school year, you not
only minimize stress at exam time, but maximize productivity and results and tend to get good
grades with some normal effort.

To start with, draw up a study timetable and block in all activities, work, lectures, and any household
or other responsibilities you may have to do and also remember if you have any previous
engagements, because later skipping your time-table will lead to a lot of chaos in your schedule.
Include meal times and travel time. Be realistic about the facts and time that you will need to
complete your topics. Try to make an actual timetable, which is possible for you 
ideal that can never be achieved, be true to yourself about your capability. Make enough copies to
cover all the weeks leading up to exams or assessment. Here are some steps that you must keep in
mind once you begin to prepare your time table:

  • Work out your most effective study times when you believe you can concentrate well, and you don’t have anything around that may distract you, a time when you can study best. It is your choice to decide either morning, afternoon or evening time, according to your suitability. Select a time when it is really peaceful at your place and probably a time when no one’s going to disturb you or distract you.
  • Go through your syllabus and consider which subjects need the most study and revision. Also make a list of topics that are very important from examination point of view. Estimate how many hours you think you need for each subject or topic and try to match this with the hours available in your weekly planner. Time yourself in such a way that you get enough time for revision.

  • Give yourself enough separate time to go through the topics that were taught during the day in class and make some useful notes out of your class work, which would be helpful for you in further reference and understanding of the topics.
  • Decide about your study plan and block in some study times, preferably 2-4 hours at a time, with 5-10 minutes’ break every 40-50 minutes. You should have a seating capacity of minimum 2 hours so that you have enough time to learn and to revise. There is no point studying for 15 minutes and then going to do something else, this way you won’t be able to do anything properly. Hence it is advised to take at least 2-4 hours time when you sit down to study. Though you may take breaks in between.
  • It is also advised to create your weekly targets. Your study schedule will be far more effective if you note down exactly what you need to study. Be specific about your goals and write down individual goals and targets for each subject.
  • It is very effective to block in more study time in the relevant subject closer to the exam date. Make sure that you have already prepared well for each exam over the time and don’t fill up the last few days too heavily as this may stress you. Also put in any events which may affect your study times, such as birthdays, social events and work functions so that you plan in advance to devote your time there and may compensate for this well in advance. Some students have a habit to plan in detail for each study session. You may do so by writing down which lecture or topic you will be reviewing first and how much time you need to spend doing this. This way, you can ensure that you will cover all the required information in the times you have allocated.
  • Students always face a problem with time management; if you have some smaller amounts of time available for study, consider how it could be used effectively: skim reading an article, proofing a draft, sorting a bibliography, organizing reference cards, etc. Travel time on public transport can also be used for reading. Try to make most out of your study time and in an effective manner, useful for yourself.
Benefits of making Time Table
Time-table is something that plays a very important role in student life, when you have lot of things
to do in a limited period of time. Needs and benefits of time table all depends on your life, your
responsibilities your priorities, your interests, your commitments and your personality. Not
everyone needs to make a time table for their schedule; some have their time already scheduled for
them. At the other end of the scale, some have no pressing matters, and can do what they like when
they like and no-one suffers as a result. Students have to schedule study time, otherwise it is all too
easy to do what you like doing, at the expense of doing what should be done. i.e. to study.

  • A time table helps us to be more punctual, efficient and effective. A schedule is a written record of considered decisions made on the allocation of time to tasks. It will serve as an aide-memoir carrying out necessary activities, listing when and what needs to be done. Unless a specific time, day or a date is allocated to a particular task, especially if it is an unpleasant or difficult thing to tackle, the likelihood of it getting done is very close to zero. Hence timetable is effective in time utilization and punctuality.
  • The advantages of time management by making a time table include reducing stress, gaining effective time utilization, reducing avoidance, while promoting reviews and eliminating cramming. Another advantage is that managing time helps us to stay motivated while we avoid procrastination. It is also a fact that we tend to complete important things on time this way, and there is no burden during final days.
  • Most people without a proper time management plan often suffer with poor health, insomnia, and other discomforting issues. There is a constant pressure to complete things and most of the times without proper planning people end up with high stress level and poor performance, and this in turn leads to some health disorders which also create a tense atmosphere for your family too. So the time management is important since it affects everyone around you, but most of all, it affects you. If you set yourself a reasonable time slot to complete a particular topic, or a series of topics, and stick to it, you are more likely to have a life of accomplishment and satisfaction than you would if you leave everything until tomorrow, and it is a fact that tomorrow never arrives.

Sunday 31 August 2014

" The Significance of Ganesha "

                      " The Significance of Ganesha "

As Indians, we are often asked how we worship an elephant-headed, pot-bellied, broken-tusked god who travels on a mouse. But as strange as it seems, every little peculiarity of Lord Ganesha's has a deep spiritual significance. As we go along in this article, we will look at the meaning of this symbolic representation of Lord Ganesha. Before we do, however, let's take a look at Lord Ganesha's mythological origin.

Desiring to take a bath, Mother Parvati, Lord Shiva's consort, created a boy from dirt to guard Her home when She was bathing. As it happened, Lord Shiva returned while Mother Parvati was away. Surprised to see a stranger outside the home, the Lord demanded that He be allowed to enter His home. Much to His dismay, the boy refused to allow Him in. Infuriated at being barred from entering His home, the Lord cut off the boy's head. On returning, Mother Parvati was inconsolable when she found out what the Lord had done. To alleviate her suffering, Lord Shiva commanded his troops to get the head of the first living being they came across. The first living being they chanced upon happened to be an elephant calf. Finally, Lord Shiva, on receiving the head of the calf, placed it on the boy's body and restored life to him. Thus Lord Ganesha was created.

Lord Shiva represents the divine Self. Lord Ganesha, being His son, is symbolic of a person who has attained that state of Divinity. While representing the Divinity, Lord Ganesha also represents the way to attain that exalted state.

Lord Ganesha's elephant head symbolises the immense wisdom of a person of Perfection. Wisdom is something that comes out of manana , independent thinking and reflection. This manana can happen only when one has taken in spiritual knowledge i.e. the process of shravana has taken place. This process of shravana or intake of spiritual knowledge is portrayed as Lord Ganesha's large ears where one listens to a teacher. It also symbolises that even the wisest people are always open to hearing fresh ideas and opinions. In other words, the wise are those who always keep an open mind.

Emerging from the Lord's head is the elephant trunk. This trunk visually depicts a well-developed intellect that arises out of wisdom, the elephant head. Our intellect is of two kinds, gross and subtle. The gross intellect is used to discriminate between pairs of opposites in the world; black and white, hard and soft, easy and difficult. The subtle intellect, on the other hand, discriminates between right and wrong; permanent and impermanent and is colloquially called the conscience. In a person who has realised the Self, this intellect is extremely well-developed; both gross and subtle. Such people have clarity of thinking and a clear sense of right and wrong. At a relative level, even people who have made progress on the spiritual path experience this. Choices become clear and life becomes a lot simpler. Without clarity of thought, our worldview is bound to be confused and coloured by our own prejudices and preconceptions. Lord Ganesha's well-shaped trunk depicts a crystal clear intellect that a person of Perfection develops.

One of the key attributes of people who are Self-Realised is that they rise above their likes and dislikes and the pairs of opposites that world presents before them. Established in the permanent Divinity, they remain unperturbed by what the world has to offer; the joys and sorrows, the victories and losses. They understand the ways of the world and take to life as a sportsperson takes to sport. Giving their best at every juncture, yet understanding that, in the ultimate analysis, it is only a game. Relatively speaking, genuine seekers on the spiritual path also achieve this sense of peace to the extent that they have identified with the Self. This transcendence over the pairs of opposites (two tusks) in a person of Perfection is indicated beautifully by Lord Ganesha's broken tusk. For it is only when we have risen above the play of opposites in the world that we can stomach the challenges that life throws at us. This idea is depicted by Lord Ganesha's large stomach. People who attained the supreme state have tremendous mental strength to brush aside the greatest setbacks while keeping their heads in the midst of immensely joyous experience.

The Lord's posture with one foot on the ground and the other folded up conveys to us that while we must operate in the world there must also be a constant alignment with Atman in and through all our experiences. In the relative, whatever we do, there must be an unwavering focus on our higher spiritual goal. Without this focus, it is impossible to make spiritual progress.

The food at the feet of Lord Ganesha symbolise material wealth and power. Through this, the Lord subtly indicates that the world rewards those live a life of truth. Those who turn spiritual acquire merit in their respective fields of activity and those with merit seldom go unacknowledged. They command respect and wealth even though they may not desire it.

The mouse as the Lord's mode of transport magnifies the challenge that a spiritual person faces when trying to communicate the knowledge of the infinite Self through the finite equipments of body, mind and intellect. Atman cannot be touched with the body, felt through emotion or understood with the intellect. One can only become It through spiritual practice.

In his four hands, Lord Ganesha holds an axe, a rope, a modak(sweetened rice ball) and a lotus. The axe represents the annihilation of desire with the axe of spirituality. The rope is spiritual knowledge which helps us to remove ourselves from the samsara , material world, that we are entrenched in. The modak symbolises the happiness and joy a seeker derives from the spiritual pursuit. And the lotus stands for that Divine state of Self-Realisation that every human being aspires for, consciously or unconsciously. The lotus sustains itself in dirty ponds but yet is above it all. Similarly, a person of Perfection can live in the world, enjoy life and yet be above it all by identifying with the Self.

The occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi gives us, as spiritual aspirants, an opportunity to remember what Lord Ganesha stands for. A chance to reignite ourselves in our search for Divinity.

Ganpati Bappa Morya....!!!


Wednesday 27 August 2014

6 time management tips for college students...

         6 time management tips for college students

TIP 1: Read your course calendar

Sometimes the best advice is among the simplest: One of the first and most important steps in achieving successful time management in college is to read your course calendars carefully.
“ If you know the due dates for specific assignments and the time frames for quizzes, papers and exams, you’ll be able to spread out the necessary school work. “My motto is, ‘Due on Sunday doesn't mean do on Sunday,’ ”

TIP 2: Plan ahead

Kristin Jones’ advice serves as a great companion to Sch-lager's: Jones urges the importance of planning ahead. “I would look ahead into each week to see what assignments were due,” she says. She’d then plan out her week so that she was doing something for the class every day, alleviating the intensity of the workload. “It’s very hard to catch up once you get behind,” she says.
Whether you get a good grasp on your coursework for the entire semester, or simply for the next week, creating a plan will balance your workload and minimize the possibility for those dreaded, but sometimes necessary, all-night cram sessions.

TIP 3: Make schedules

It can be easy to procrastinate in college—there is an unintentional consistency of letting the clutter of late work nights, dinner plans and school plays postpone your schoolwork. This often results in completing assignments in the wee hours before they’re due.
Frank Ortiz suggests the effectiveness of taking charge and giving yourself some guidelines. “Make schedules. Print the weekly assignment sheets and check them off as you [complete] them,” he says.
Billy Moore agrees: “Stay dedicated to the time that you set aside for your school work,” adding that it’s often helpful to schedule a bit of extra time in that window for unexpected questions or technical issues you may come across.

TIP 4: Make checklists

Printing or writing out checklists for each class or each day of the week can be a helpful way of remembering everything you need to get done. “You can check [each item] off after you’re done with it,” says Ashley Esquire, who uses this method with her school work.
Chariness Nicole keeps a virtual notepad open on her computer with each week’s checklist. “I leave my notepad up all week and check things off as I go along,” she says. This not only helps her see how much she has left to do, but it also allows her to appreciate each little accomplishment along the way.

TIP 5: Stay organized

Keeping your school work organized can be a huge factor in saving you some time throughout the week, especially if you’re taking more than one class at a time. If you have separate binders, notebooks and folders for each class, you’ll quickly be able to find that sheet of notes you need for next week’s test or the printed article you planned to reference for your big research paper.
Avoiding clutter isn't just important when organizing your notes and hand-outs. Be sure to keep your computer desktop organized in a way that always allows you to locate the files you’ll need for each particular class.

TIP 6: Be healthy

This may seem like the kind of advice you heard from your mother and now pass down to your own kids in the form of warm socks in the winter, sunscreen in the summer and daily vitamins year-round, but it can actually play a huge role in successfully managing your time while in college.
Practicing regular exercise can keep your energy levels up, resulting in a more engaged mind when doing school work. Many also assert that getting adequate sleep at night can save college students time—this not only helps you avoid the time taken for afternoon naps, but it also can increase your alertness and decrease your stress levels.

Thursday 21 August 2014

"Five Study Methods That Work...."

               "Five Study Methods That Work...."

1. Keeping a Careful Record of Assignments

Put it down in black and white—including the details—and keep it in your notebook. Knowing just what you are expected to do and when you are expected to do it is the first giant step toward completing important assignments successfully and on time.

2. Making Use of “Trade Secrets”

Flash cards aren’t just for kids! They are a legitimate study tool. Use the front of the card to write an important term, and on the back, write a definition or an important fact about that term. Carry your flash cards with you. Use them during “dead time,” such as standing in a check-out line, waiting in a doctor or dentist’s office, riding a bus, or waiting at the Laundromat. Keep a set in the glove compartment of your car for long lines at your favorite fast food drive-in restaurant or bank. Post them on your bathroom mirror to review while shaving or applying make-up. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish during those otherwise “dead times.” Think about developing your own “trade secrets” that will improve your study skills.

3. Taking Good Notes as Insurance Against Forgetting

Learn to take good notes efficiently as your instructors stress important points in class and as you study your assignments. Good notes are a “must” for just-before-test-reviewing. Without notes, you will need to reread and review the entire assignment before a test. This may require you to read anywhere from 100-300 pages of material in one sitting. With notes, you can recall the main points in just a fraction of the time. The time you spend in note taking is not lost, but in fact, is a time-saver.

4. Overlearning Material Enhances Memory

Psychologists tell us that the secret to learning for future reference is overlearning. Experts suggest that after you can say, “I know this material,” that you should continue to study that material for an additional one-fourth of the original study time. The alphabet is an example of overlearning. How did you learn it? Probably through recitation which is the best way to etch material into the memory trace. Manipulate the material as many different ways as possible by writing, reading, touching, hearing, and saying it. In an experimental study, students who overlearned material retained four times as much after a month than students who didn’t overlearn.

5. Reviewing Material Frequently

A student who does not review material can forget 80% of what has been learned in only two weeks! The first review should come very shortly after the material was first presented and studied. Reviewing early acts as a safeguard against forgetting and helps you remember far longer. Frequent reviews throughout the course will bring rewards at test time and will alleviate pre-test anxiety.
Although these ten study methods do work, there is one other component needed when using all of them – taking responsibility for studying by following through on assignments. All the study methods in the world won’t help you if you don’t help yourself. As with most everything in your life, your motto should be, “I’m responsible for my success!”

If you put forth the effort to study effectively, the improved skills will soon become a habit and be just as natural as breathing. The result can be better grades, greater knowledge, and higher self-esteem. These skills will also serve you well in your professional and personal life.

Monday 11 August 2014


                      COLLEGE STUDY TIPS                                


Create Mnemonics

Mnemonics are devices that can help you memorize formulas, key concepts, definitions, etc. A really basic example of a mnemonic is “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally” which stands for parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Make a Study Guide

Whether or not your professor gives you a study guide for an exam, making a study guide is very helpful when studying for tests. Go through the textbook, notes, and any other material and write down any information that you think may be on the test such as important concepts, definitions, and formulas. Reading and writing the information will help you memorize it faster. If your professor gives you a study guide, make sure to cover all the points listed.

Make Flash Cards

Making flash cards can be a bit time consuming, but flash cards are helpful tools in remembering vocabulary, formulas, and key concepts. They are also easy to carry around with you so you can review them anytime.

Quiz Yourself

To ensure that you are prepared for your test, make a mock quiz to test how well you know the material. Write down a list of keywords or questions and make sure to leave room underneath each one. Then, pretend that you’re taking the test and write down as much as you can.

Set Time Goals

Setting time goals for yourself will help make sure that you stay on track especially when you have time constraints. You’re more likely to be productive if you have goals to achieve.

Remember to Take Breaks

Studying is hard stuff. You need to take short breaks to allow your brain to process and retain the information. Otherwise, you may confuse yourself or forget something you have already studied. Be sure to take only a short break, otherwise, it may be hard to go back to studying. When you begin studying again, review the material you have already studied, then, move on to something new.

Don't Study Alone

Studying with other people is always easier, because you are all there and you know nothing else is going on. If possible convince your college friends to meet at the library at a specific time on a regular basis. If you and your friends have different schedules, do your best to find time when at least two of you are able to meet. This will also help you and your friends develop good study skills, keep tabs on your friends, and make sure they will be with you on graduation day.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tips for College Note Taking...

Tips for College Note Taking

While you might have been able to slide by without taking notes in high school, learning to take good notes is essential for most college students. Taking poor notes, or not taking notes at all, can have a detrimental effect on your grades. Read on to learn some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your classes and readings.
Pay Attention
·   Sit in a place where you can see and hear the professor clearly - the front of class is usually best 
     (it's  okay to be a nerd!)
·   Clear your space of any distractions that could prevent you from focusing on the class
·   If you're taking notes on a computer, turn off your wireless connection so you're not tempted to go online
    The same goes for reading: Clear your space. Find a quiet, distraction-free spot, like the library. Take         regular breaks so you can maintain the focus you need.

Get the Right Materials
·   Notebooks or binders, one for each class (3-ring binders can help you organize notes, syllabi and class      handouts - you'll just need to invest in a good hole punch)
·   Graph paper for diagrams, if applicable
·    Pencils or pens (always keep extras with you)
·    Highlighters
·    Small sticky notes and/or flags

Take Good Notes in Class
·    Info the professor puts on the board
·    Facts you need to memorize, like names and dates (if this information is in your textbook, don't waste ink writing it down)
·    Formulas you need to know, particularly in math or science courses
·   Details emphasized by your professor (keep your ears perked up for signal phrases such as 'the most essential part is...' or 'this will be on the test')

Take Good Notes on Readings
·        Highlight or underline text
·    Use small sticky notes or flags, noting the line number, paragraph number, or first few words of text
·    Write down info you want to remember in your notebook or on loose leaf paper, noting the page and paragraph numbers
·    Record your thoughts in the margins as you read
·    Write down any words or concepts you find challenging and want to spend more time on later

Organize Your Notes
·    Write the course name and date at the top of each page, just in case some pages get separated
·    Keep all of your materials and reading notes for each course together
·    File your notes chronologically (this is where a 3-ring binder can come in handy)

Experiment and Find What Works for You
Ultimately, you'll need to decide which note-taking strategies work best for you. Fortunately, you'll get regular feedback through grades on exams and quizzes. If your grades are good, keep the system you've got. If your grades could be better, do some readjusting.
If you'd like additional help with note-taking or other study skills, look for an academic support or learning center on campus. If you're struggling due to a disability, contact your school's disability services office. They can help with any necessary accommodations, such as a note-taker or written transcripts of lectures.