Saturday 13 September 2014

How to make a good Time Table for Study?

How to make a good Time Table for Study?

Time table may be defined as a system of organizing your schedule in a perfect manner to utilize your time efficiently and effectively. For a student time utilization is the most difficult part that every
student is confused about. Anyone can arrange for notes, books and tutors for you, but time manage-
ment is something that you have to manage yourself. Your peers or family may help you with your
 project work or making notes etc. but no one can really help you mange your time. Time management is the most important part of student life and every student wants to manage it well, but not all succeed to do so.

A study timetable is something that helps you to stay on track with your studies and helps you in
balancing your study time well so that you have time for other activities too. When you plan ahead of
your examinations, you know what you need to do and by when you need to do it also you become
aware about how much time you actually need to complete a particular topic. A timetable can also
help you to fit in other activities that are important to you and help you make time for other
important activities of life. Most successful students know how to make a study timetable. If you
want to succeed at getting good grades, then you may want to try this to make a schedule.

Preparing a Time Table :
Preparing a time table is not an easy thing to do. First of all you need to figure out every aspect of
your study topic that you need to cover, time required and also you need to adjust in some important
or mandatory activities into your time table. There are some prior engagements that also you need to
keep in mind while designing your routine. Also do not forget to keep some regular time for
recreational activities and sports, as without this you won’t be able to freshen up your mind. You
cannot just study continuously without taking break, so it is necessary to keep all these things  in
mind before you make a time table. Taking exams can lead to stress and anxiety if you have not
studied during the year because you will find yourself cramming for each test and studying late into
the night which won’t help you much. With a little time management during the school year, you not
only minimize stress at exam time, but maximize productivity and results and tend to get good
grades with some normal effort.

To start with, draw up a study timetable and block in all activities, work, lectures, and any household
or other responsibilities you may have to do and also remember if you have any previous
engagements, because later skipping your time-table will lead to a lot of chaos in your schedule.
Include meal times and travel time. Be realistic about the facts and time that you will need to
complete your topics. Try to make an actual timetable, which is possible for you 
ideal that can never be achieved, be true to yourself about your capability. Make enough copies to
cover all the weeks leading up to exams or assessment. Here are some steps that you must keep in
mind once you begin to prepare your time table:

  • Work out your most effective study times when you believe you can concentrate well, and you don’t have anything around that may distract you, a time when you can study best. It is your choice to decide either morning, afternoon or evening time, according to your suitability. Select a time when it is really peaceful at your place and probably a time when no one’s going to disturb you or distract you.
  • Go through your syllabus and consider which subjects need the most study and revision. Also make a list of topics that are very important from examination point of view. Estimate how many hours you think you need for each subject or topic and try to match this with the hours available in your weekly planner. Time yourself in such a way that you get enough time for revision.

  • Give yourself enough separate time to go through the topics that were taught during the day in class and make some useful notes out of your class work, which would be helpful for you in further reference and understanding of the topics.
  • Decide about your study plan and block in some study times, preferably 2-4 hours at a time, with 5-10 minutes’ break every 40-50 minutes. You should have a seating capacity of minimum 2 hours so that you have enough time to learn and to revise. There is no point studying for 15 minutes and then going to do something else, this way you won’t be able to do anything properly. Hence it is advised to take at least 2-4 hours time when you sit down to study. Though you may take breaks in between.
  • It is also advised to create your weekly targets. Your study schedule will be far more effective if you note down exactly what you need to study. Be specific about your goals and write down individual goals and targets for each subject.
  • It is very effective to block in more study time in the relevant subject closer to the exam date. Make sure that you have already prepared well for each exam over the time and don’t fill up the last few days too heavily as this may stress you. Also put in any events which may affect your study times, such as birthdays, social events and work functions so that you plan in advance to devote your time there and may compensate for this well in advance. Some students have a habit to plan in detail for each study session. You may do so by writing down which lecture or topic you will be reviewing first and how much time you need to spend doing this. This way, you can ensure that you will cover all the required information in the times you have allocated.
  • Students always face a problem with time management; if you have some smaller amounts of time available for study, consider how it could be used effectively: skim reading an article, proofing a draft, sorting a bibliography, organizing reference cards, etc. Travel time on public transport can also be used for reading. Try to make most out of your study time and in an effective manner, useful for yourself.
Benefits of making Time Table
Time-table is something that plays a very important role in student life, when you have lot of things
to do in a limited period of time. Needs and benefits of time table all depends on your life, your
responsibilities your priorities, your interests, your commitments and your personality. Not
everyone needs to make a time table for their schedule; some have their time already scheduled for
them. At the other end of the scale, some have no pressing matters, and can do what they like when
they like and no-one suffers as a result. Students have to schedule study time, otherwise it is all too
easy to do what you like doing, at the expense of doing what should be done. i.e. to study.

  • A time table helps us to be more punctual, efficient and effective. A schedule is a written record of considered decisions made on the allocation of time to tasks. It will serve as an aide-memoir carrying out necessary activities, listing when and what needs to be done. Unless a specific time, day or a date is allocated to a particular task, especially if it is an unpleasant or difficult thing to tackle, the likelihood of it getting done is very close to zero. Hence timetable is effective in time utilization and punctuality.
  • The advantages of time management by making a time table include reducing stress, gaining effective time utilization, reducing avoidance, while promoting reviews and eliminating cramming. Another advantage is that managing time helps us to stay motivated while we avoid procrastination. It is also a fact that we tend to complete important things on time this way, and there is no burden during final days.
  • Most people without a proper time management plan often suffer with poor health, insomnia, and other discomforting issues. There is a constant pressure to complete things and most of the times without proper planning people end up with high stress level and poor performance, and this in turn leads to some health disorders which also create a tense atmosphere for your family too. So the time management is important since it affects everyone around you, but most of all, it affects you. If you set yourself a reasonable time slot to complete a particular topic, or a series of topics, and stick to it, you are more likely to have a life of accomplishment and satisfaction than you would if you leave everything until tomorrow, and it is a fact that tomorrow never arrives.

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